Lahemaa Marathon September 7th, 2024

>> Registration 2024<<<


The marathon is meant for Estonian Champion candidates as well as all other people who love to paddle and spend an interesting day paddling in Estonian waters. Estonian Champion titles will be given to the best.


Start  and finish is in Valkla seaside centre  (information and map

Gathering will be on the 7. September 2024 10.00-12.00. Start will be at 13.00.


All participants under 18 must have a waver signed by their trainer or parent at the registration desk. Swimming skills and kayaking experience are mandatory and each participant will confirm it by signing the waver at the registration desk.  Rescue and safety equipment is compulsory (life-jacket, pump, smoke signal, mobile phone in a water-proof package). The equipment is also sold at the registration desk. The equipment is checked by the organisers at the registration desk. Safety is taken care of by the motor boats but each participant must know basic rescue techniques as the rescuers may not reach each participant immediately  in case of emergency and the organisers do not take responsibility for participants  who  have overestimated their skills.


Estonian Champion ca 24 km: Valkla – Pedassaare –  Rammu – Valkla

Short distance  ca 9 km: Valkla – Pedassaare – Valkla

NB Depending on the weather conditions, the organisers have the right to change the routes for safety reasons.


The longer route will take be Valkla – Pedassaare –  Rammu – Valkla (24 km).  There is a drinking stop on Rammu island and each competitor should come out of the kayak and take it across the cape Kitsasääre (sandy and kayak-friendly cape) and kayak around the buoy close to Kaberneeme.



Marathon Results 2018


K1M Men’s single kayak

K2M Men’s tandem

K1N Women’s single kayak

K2N Women’s tandem



Each class is awarded separately and the three best of both distances are awarded separately. The approximate time for awarding is at 18.00


For registration please fill in the registration form. The invoice will be sent by e-mail.

The fee for participation:

30 EUR (per person) before the 10th of July

40 EUR (per person)  for registration from the 11th of July until the 10th of August

50 EUR (per person)  for registration from the 11th of August untile the 6th of September

and 60 EUR  (per person) on site on the 7th of September 2024 in cash

The fee guarantees the possibility to start, use sauna, eat soup.

The bank details of  Reimann Retked  OÜ:


IBAN: EE521010220031630015

Name of the bank: SEB Pank

Address: Tornimäe 2, 15010 Tallinn

Please write the keyword  “Lahemaa marathon” and names of the participants.