Pedassaar – a sunset trip

Pedassaar is the highest and most forested island in the Kolga bay. Due to not very fruitful soil the island has been covered by forest through the times and the only inhabitants have been the forest keeper and his family. Currently there is no permanent settlement. Estonian State Forest Management Centre has built a sauna to the eastern part of the island that is being rented to the people interested in that option. There is an 8 meters high terrace and interesting big boulders in the north-western part of the island.
We start the trip at 7 p.m. in July and 6 p.m. in August  from the resort centre “Valkla beach” and finish in the same place during the sunset.We will make a short walking tour in the island. How well the sunset can be seen depends on the weather, but also during a cloudy day one can see the colours in the western sky.

Duration: 3,5 hours
Length: ca 9 km
Price per person: 35 EUR
The minimum price per trip is 280 eur or 8 persons

The price includes: instruction, kayaking equipment, a light meal, and services of a tour guide